Las Mariposas | Oil on Canvas | 48 x 60 inches | 2023
The colossal events of 2020 inspired the series of photos and paintings entitled ‘Las Mariposas.’ They capture the Indigenous roots and formidable power of sisters Mari and Suzy Huerta, descendants of the Rarámuri, Huichol, and Cazcan people of Central America.

The colossal events of 2020 inspired the series of photos and paintings entitled “Las Mariposas.” They capture the Indigenous roots and formidable power of sisters Mari and Suzy Huerta, descendants of the Rarámuri, Huichol, and Cazcan people of Central America. Knowing these women for over two decades, I have witnessed their evolution from college students to educators, advocates, and poets whose work is dedicated to Indigenous rights, students, immigrants, and women. I have marched with them in the streets, commiserated with them through life’s challenges, and shared in the joy of our successes. I have always admired their closeness, the love they share as sisters, and their commitment to family. As such, I wanted to honor the ancestors from whom these women draw their power, which are represented by the clusters of butterflies surrounding them in the form of headdresses I created for the occasion. I used the vivid greens and blues as the backdrop of their portrait because I also wanted to honor the forests and waters of their ancestral ecowebs that the sisters’ people preserved for thousands of years.