SYSTEMS | Extractivism Alternatives

George Galvis speaking at From Bhopal to the Bay — Oakland, California, US

George Galvis: "The mission of our organization [CURYJ] is to unlock the leadership of young people to dream beyond bars. We are Indigeous-led. We are formerly incarcerated-led. We believe that our young people are the experts of their own lives."

George Galvis spoke as a panelist at the public educational panel of the From Bhopal to the Bay event in Oakland, California, US, organized collaboratively by Ecosymbionts Regenerate and ASATA on 25 September, 2024. Mr. Galvis was responding to the following question. The globally institutionalized corporate extractivist system (“Extractivist System”) results in widespread ecocide and inequity, thus having many different harmful effects. What effects does the Extractivist System have on your organization or community? And what methods do you use to counteract these effects?

Born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, Mr. Galvis grew up in poverty and was exposed to profound domestic violence and drug abuse. At a young age he experienced racial targeting and systemic violence growing up in his neighborhood and at the age of 13 became involved in a street organization. At 17, George was incarcerated and charged with multiple felonies related to his participation in a drive-by shooting. George’s experiences led to his life commitment as an advocate and organizer for elevating the power of young people most affected by criminalization and violence.

CURYJ (Communities United for Restorative Youth Justice) is an Oakland-based, Indigenous-founded organization that builds community and mobilizes young leaders in the movement to end youth criminalization and mass incarceration. They engage youth most impacted by the injustice, immigration, and foster care systems.

author George Galvis (he) is the Executive Director, a Co-Founder, and a Board Member of CURYJ (Communities United for Restorative Youth Justice), an Indigenous-founded organization in Oakland, California, US, that builds community and mobilizes young leaders in the movement to end youth criminalization and mass incarceration.
author_affiliation Indigenous South America | Quechua
residence United States
organizational CURYJ (Communities United for Restorative Youth Justice)